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Prof. Dr. Christian Rumpf


Areas of consultation: Turkish commercial law, arbitration, German and international public law

Activities: Arbitrator and counsel in international arbitration (ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, DIS, ad hoc);
joint ventures of numerous German and American companies in Turkey; accompaniment in civil,
commercial and administrative trials in Turkey; M&A consultation; company foundation;
general consultation in Turkish commercial law, consultation and litigation in Germany

Languages: German, English, Turkish, French

1st State Law Exam 1979, Heidelberg
2nd State Law Exam 1983, Mannheim

Award of degree of Dr. jur. utr. 1990, Heidelberg
Topic: The Rule of Law Principle in the Turkish Legal System (in addition, an exegesis titled:
The “détournement de pouvoir" in "recours pour excès de pouvoir")

Attorney since 1989 (in Stuttgart since 1996)

Teaching positions at universities in Bamberg, Frankfurt/Main, Munich, Passau and at Yeditepe Istanbul

Honorary professor at the University of Bamberg since 2004

Advisory activities for the EU Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Bundestag and ministries, among others

Sworn translator and interpreter for the Turkish language.

Numerous publications about international and Turkish law

  RUMPF RECHTSANWÄLTE | Lenzhalde 68 | 70192 Stuttgart | Fon: +49 711 997 977 0 | Fax +49 711 997 977 20 | info@rumpf-legal.com